A Woman President Podcast
We are here to share stories about the women who have run for POTUS. There are more than you can imagine.
Also, remember to register to vote. Your vote makes a difference. Recognize that there has never been a “Perfect” candidate elected. Let’s not hold women to a higher standard than we hold men. Women candidates already to that to themselves.
Let’s work together to get a woman (lots of women) elected to the highest office of our country.

Episode 7 – Linda Jenness and Evelyn Reed
Linda Jenness ran against Richard Nixon in 1972. She and Evelyn Reed were the first, and maybe only candidates to tag team in a presidential election.

Episode 6 – Charlene Mitchell
Born in 1930, Charlene Alexander Mitchell seemed to emerge from the womb as a force to be reckoned with. Although she already had two strikes against her – being born a girl and a black girl at that – she stood her ground when her rights were challenged. ...

Episode 5 – Mary Kennery, Ellen Linea W. Jensen, and Agnes Waters
A Seattle grandmother formed the Washington Peace party, with the avowed intention of putting a woman in the White House. Ellen Jensen was Presidential Candidate in 1952.

Episode 4 – Gracie Allen
In May of 1940, the Surprise Party held its own convention. Of course, all 8000 “delegates” in attendance voted in the Gracie Allen ticket. As time went on, the country embraced the idea. “Vote for Gracie” buttons appeared everywhere. Even Harvard students pledged...

Episode 3 – The History Between Belva and Gracie 1883 – 1925
It has been a little over a half a century between when Belva Ann Lockwood ran for president in 1884 and 1888 and it was 1940 when Gracie Allen took the same path. A lot can happen in fifty years; here are some of the most interesting events.

Episode 2 – Belva Ann Lockwood
Belva had a great sense of humor, was a health enthusiast, and was the first woman lawyer to argue a case before the U.S. Supreme Court…which she won.

Episode 1 – Victoria Woodhull
Some thought she was “Mrs. Satan”, others considered her a champion of women’s and children’s rights.

Episode 0 – Trailer
How many women have run for President in the U.S?. Spoiler Alert: It's more than you think. We're going to tell you about them!